2017 Q2 music list

The music for Easter and beyond is now available here.

Cardoso450 reaches the height of its activity during the Easter Triduum as we explore the endless wealth of penitential music penned by Cardoso and his contemporaries. For the choir, this activity continues beyond Easter Sunday as we record our much-anticipated Cardoso CD during the week after Easter. The disk features two previously unrecorded Masses by Cardoso and the Motets by Palestrina which they parody. 

We revisit some old favourites after Easter, including Rheinberger’s Cantus Missæ for double choir, Tallis Loquebantur variis linguis and Sheppard Liber nos I & II. We also pay passing tribute to another great composer celebrating a 450th anniversary, Monteverdi, as we sing his 6-part Missa in illo tempore and Cantate Domino.